11 Jan- International International Conference on Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences (ICEMFSS)
3. Mar 2023
4. May 2023
5. July 2023
6. September 2023
7. Nov 2023
1. Backdrops
The backdrop is an important piece in business conferences in Singapore; a stylish backdrop is able to bring the overall atmosphere of the events to the participants. From there, a first impression is established. By having a backdrop, the message or themes of the business conferences will be reinforced, becoming an engaging background for motivational speakers. A plus in the backdrop is that it is easy to customize and personalize. You may personalize the backdrop by adding any elements that are relevant to the theme of the business conferences; this helps convey the message to the audience. An unattractive backdrop can demotivate your target audience, thus lowering their interest in your event, products, and even your company. Style Adv, a signage company in Singapore, may help you set the right mood for your audience and make sure that your specific requirements at the conference are met.
2. Banner
(Style Adv Product: Pull-up Banner)