Benefits of Hoarding Signage for Your Coming Soon Shop in Singapore

hoarding board singapore

Hoarding signage and graphics are something we all see on a daily basis – on our way to work or while we’re out and about on the weekends, especially when passing by construction projects and new developments, whether commercial or residential in Singapore. We generally don’t think about them too much, yet the messages they send can frequently have an effect on us subconsciously.

In reality, ‘hoarding’ is one of those terms that gets thrown around, but can you explain it (when it’s not referring to the accumulation of too much stuff!)? If not, it’s generally best defined as a temporary boarding fence, typically placed in a public location, such as a building site.

hoarding board singapore


You may wish to reveal your building project in all its glory only once it is good and finished for a variety of reasons. Site hoarding allows you to do precisely that while remaining anonymous. Similarly, with the correct hoarding images, you may blend your project into the surrounding neighbourhood, avoiding any extra exposure until the big reveal.


Whatever creative technique you pick with your graphics, one of the most significant advantages of hoarding signage is the tremendous increase in brand exposure they may provide. This is especially true for hoardings located in congested metropolitan areas, roadside areas, or other regions with high pedestrian or vehicular activity. Simply put, the more people who view your hoardings, the greater your opportunity for brand awareness.

hoarding board singapore


Construction design and management regulations say that all building firms must take efforts to prevent unauthorised entry to their sites, including trespassers and vandals. This includes establishing a perimeter around the construction site and putting suitable hoarding signage before work begins. Hoarding prevents people from sneaking into music, athletic, or similar event when they shouldn’t be there. At the same time, hoarding keeps a site looking neat and is ideal for displaying sponsorship advertisements, which generate cash.


Whether or not local companies wish to employ navigational signage, they are frequently eager to advertise on hoardings. Graphics are typically exhibited on hoardings throughout the duration of the construction project as a one-time investment. They are visible to passers-by 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at a relatively low cost. Offering hoarding space to local businesses can be a highly successful marketing tool.

Style Adv is the expert in custom signage making in Singapore. We’ll handle everything for you, from the initial site inspection to the final installation – and our team of professionals can assist you in developing a really unique and innovative custom signage design that suits your requirements. Check out our products here and contact us NOW for a FREE quote!

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